Thursday, July 26, 2007

After the Wedding

PHENOMENAL: Wow, this movie exceeded my expectation and fed my need for entertaining foreign film to excess. First of all, the writer delivers a powerful story, one that entices the viewer with bits of scandal, celebration, and orphaned children. As the viewer, we're in for a treat, a treat for all senses. The language (Danish) is not one we are tuned to hearing and it delivers as much resonance in its uniqueness. The scenery basks in color as it surrounds a pricy wedding, the canals of Denmark and the streets of India. The cinematography gives us people of all colors, and scenes with as much diversity. The eye never grows tired of the candy set before it, as the ear is fed by the linguistic music. The technological features simply backdrop the story and its grandeur. What a fabulous experience to sit through a film and never want the story to end. Be ready to get deeply involved with the characters, never settling on a side, and continually failing on judging who is right and wrong. The story is beautiful, encapsulating, and most all, touching. It may be a bit out of reach for the average man, but allowing After the Wedding to take you along, you will find yourself whisked away to a place not calling for rationale, but for heart. Here, it is delivered in full, it is broken, mended, and mostly, molded. See this film as soon as you can.

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